new life fellowship

serving jesus christ the king

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Here's a basic list of books to get you started.

21st Century Bible Commentary - IVP
New Bible Dictionary - IVP
NIV Complete Concordance
Survey of the Bible - William Hendriksen
New Bible Atlas - IVP
Matthew Henry's Commentary

Understanding the Bible
How to read the Bible for all its worth - Gordon Fee & Douglas Stuart
Knowing Scripture - RC Sproul - IVP

A summary of Christian doctrine - Louis Berkhof - Banner of Truth
Holiness of God - RC Sproul
A Journey in Grace - RP Belcher - EP
Transforming Grace - Jerry Bridges - NavPress
Knowing God - JI Packer
Foundations of the Christian Faith - JM Boice - IVP

Christian Living
Pursuit of Holiness - Jerry Bridges - NavPress
Practical Godliness - Jerry Bridges - NavPress
Spiritual Disciplines of the Christian life - Don Whitney - Scripture Press
Guidance and the Voice of God - Philip Jensen & Tony Payne - Matthias Media
Don't waste your Life - John Piper - Christ is all Media
If God already knows, why Pray? - Douglas Kelly
A heart like his - RM Pippert

The Cross He bore - FS Leahy - Banner of truth
Just Like Jesus - Max Lucado
In the grip of Grace - Max Lucado
Pursuit of God - AW Tozer
The Joy of fearing God - Jerry Bridges
The Biblical Doctrine of Heaven and Hell - Edward Donnelly - Banner of Truth

Books to help in daily bible reading
Expository Thoughts - JC Ryle - Banner & EP
Prayer, Praise and Promises - Warren Weirsbe
Romans - Stuart Olyott - Welwyn Commentaries - EP
The Shepherd King - Roger Ellsworth - EP
Sermon on the Mount - DA Carson - Paternoster

Out of the Salt Shaker - RM Pippert - IVP
Know & Tell the gospel - John Chapman - Matthias
Evangelism & the Sovereignty of God - JI Packer
Questioning Evangelism - Randy Newman

I will never Become a Christian - Peter Jeffery - EP Wales
A Fresh Start - John Chapman - Matthias Media
A Sneaking Suspicion - John Dickson - Matthias
Turning Points - Vaughan Roberts - Paternoster
Basic Christianity - John Stott

Defending your Faith
Truth under attack - Eryl Davies - EP
Answer to Tough Questions - Josh McDowell
The Case for Christ - Lee Strobel
The Answers Book - Ken Ham et al - Answers in Genesis
Persuasions - Douglas Wilson - Canon Press

Biography/Church History
Sketches of Church History - SM Houghton - Banner of Truth
Men of Purpose/Men of Destiny - Peter Masters - Wakeman Trust
Singing in the Fire/Sound of Trumpets - Faith Cook - Banner
Shadow of the Almighty - Elisabeth Elliot
King of the Cannibals - Jim Cromarty - EP